Our ongoing partnership with the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation enabled us to launch and grow our online training portal, weGlo, into a sophisticated learning platform that serves thousands of skilled immigrants and refugees every year. All UpGlo program participants complete their core training on weGlo, and we have expanded our course catalog to include more than 400 courses covering all aspects of the job search and U.S. workplace culture—including our women’s curriculum and health care pathways training. In 2017, Cornerstone OnDemand awarded Upwardly Global its RAVE Award, recognizing our “Advancement in Reinventing Work.”
Elena is an HR Professional from Belarus who recently relocated to Michigan. She worked closely with her coach and took full advantage of resources from Upwardly Global and the Michigan Office for New Americans (MITS). In 2017 she took 30 courses through weGlo (setting a record!), and quickly found a job in recruiting and HR at a local translating company.
“Abe Lincoln once said: ‘Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.’ That is what Upwardly Global gave me. With all their outstanding and on-target trainings and support I was prepared for every step in the job search process. It provided me with all the necessary tools to get my first job offer.”